
Random blogging thoughts...

When I started this blog I thought I would origionally use it as a photo blog because I was trying to show off my photography so that I could get into photographing things. It didn't work all that well. Although I had contacted some people on craig's list for weddings, nothing ended up working out. Photography is really tough to get into. I think I like using it as a photo/craft blog. I want to come up with a creative title but I always draw a blank when I try to think of things! Any ideas? Leave me a comment!

I have been really enjoying our new house! it's fun unpacking things and putting them away in their permanant places. There wasn't a lot of room at the apartment, things were kind of piled on top of other things...

When we were in the apartment I had bought my sewing machine from a thrift store because I decided that sewing was something that I wanted to pick up! I had sewn before when I was single and lived with my parents...My mom had taught me some basics. It was hard to sew in the apartment because the cat would be all over me and my stuff when I got it out. It was also annoying having to put it all away when I was done...I love having a craft room! I can shut the door to keep the cat away, turn on my music and escape for a while. :)

I play volleyball on Tuesday nights. I enjoy getting out for a little exercise, although I don't always feel like going! Even if I have to be convinced to go I'm always glad I do.

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