
I had today off work. It's always nice to have Mondays off. I got up with a rather productive attitude. After eating a bowl of raisin bran I decided to put away the (at least 4 baskets) of clean laundry sitting on our bedroom floor. Folding clothes is definitely not my favorite thing to do but it always feels great once it's finished and everything is put away neatly.

I went out to lunch with my brother Matt. We went to Chili's for burgers, Yum! : ) It was nice to get out of the house for a bit in the middle of the day. Mainly because I wanted to get away from unpacking. I have been lazy...there are a few more rooms to unpack but I am just not motivated to do it! I will, eventually. Hopefully this week because it's our turn to host the Black Sheep this Friday. That is our small group from church, It's basically our Bible study group.

I am thinking about becoming a CNA-certified nurses aid. There is a class starting up in the end of April and I am going to try to get into it. I have always wanted to be a nurse but school has never been my thing. I tend to give up on things faster than I can convince myself that I have barely given it a chance. I think that if I can make it through this 3 week class I could try it out for a while to see how I like it. Maybe then I will know if I want to continue to become a nurse.

Well, that's all for now.

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