
It is beautiful out today. I have the windows open all through the house. There is a slight breeze outside that keeps blowing the curtains away from the window. Ah, Fresh air!

I am cooking chicken legs for dinner with a bit of salt and pepper to crisp up the skin. I haven't decided what to make with it... either mashed potatoes or rice. Probably potatoes because we had rice the other night. I plan to also make a delicious salad with tomatoes, onions and cucumbers! That's all I need to add because I cheat and get the Pre-mixed bags of salad. :)

We got a beautiful new rug last weekend. It was a house warming present from my Mom. It is oval with black brown and white colors. It is very detailed all around but hard to describe. I'll post a picture sometime. It fits perfectly in our living room and matches the house great!

Well, I suppose I should get started on peelin' those potatoes! Jon gets home in half an hour.

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